Remember when Freedom was just a baby, trying to fly out of the box?

Now here she is perched on my foot, while my leg is crossed.

But that’s not high enough.  So to my knee she flutters.

Next is the arm of the chair I’m sitting in.

Then the back of the chair that she runs me out of.  She just can’t quite get high enough. 

She’ s a bit of a nuisance.  If I squat to familiarize myself with the other chickens, she flies on my back or pecks me in the butt.

But it’s okay, I’m a bit of a free bird myself. 

Although she’s only a chicken, if we look close enough I think there’s a lesson to be learned from this Barred Plymouth Rock hen-to-be. 

Don’t stay down low with all the other peeps pecking around for the same ol’ piece of grain life throws you.

If you got a dream or a goal in sight: 

Wake up.

Then look up.

Reach up.

Then flap your wings and flutter up.

If you don’t make it the first time, cheer up.

Flap your wings harder and keep it up.

Never give up.

There’s a perch somewhere just for you, and you’ll look good sitting on it.


  1. Jolea says:

    I loved this and it’s so true! We give up on ourselves to easily. What is it dad said to me in his card…”I’m betting on you”.


  2. RB says:

    So true.


  3. Chas says:

    Love it!!


  4. Donna H says:

    GO FREEDOM!! This has to be one of the smartest chicks ever!! And you’re a pretty smart “chick” yourself !! I loved this post and the lesson it holds. Until next time … Donna H.


  5. Marie says:

    She is soo pretty!


  6. Brandi says:

    Just what I needed to hear tonight. Tell Freedom thanks for me.


  7. Lenore Diane says:

    Love, love, love! This was a real perk up! Seriously. Thank you!


  8. Great! God told me many years ago “never give up.” But I often need reminding, and when I least expect it, there it is. God reminding me once again to “never give up.” Thanks for being a Heaven conduit, Angel.


    1. Angel says:

      Hang tough girl.


  9. knotrune says:

    Freedom is such a cool chicken 🙂


    1. Angel says:

      The coolest.


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